Happy new year!

So, 2020 happend...

It wasn't the best year.

Not one you want to explain to someone who wakes up out of coma.

like so many, I had some terrible things happen in the last year, but lets leave that behind.

I'm an optimist, and while 2020 was not a year for optimists I still am one.

I did had some sucess in 2020. Ministry Of Flat progressed a lot and got licensed by Maxon, and is now used by thosands of Cineme4D users. I did a lot of work on HxA, ported Betray to Android (and tweeted an epic rant about it). My "How i program C" video reached a qurater of a million views. I wrote nerdy things about C. I built some animation tools. But mostly I spent a lot of time on various stealth projects.

If you are only going to care about one thing I did this year,
watch and share, this talks I gave on creativity:

If you want to catch up drop me a line!

I wasnt sure if it would be possible to make a best-of-2020 list this year,
but here is at least an atempt that is in no way representative of 2020:

Art book of the year
Star Wars Art: Ralph McQuarrie, Large enought to kill a city if dropped from orbit, and the only lifestyle evidence that I made some money this year.

Language upgrade of the year:
All we need to do is change how we speek!

Book of the year
What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory I want us to live in the world where all programers think they need to read this. Special mention to The Bitmap Brothers Universe and Alan RusbridgersNews and How to Use.

Best investment of the year:
Hiring someone to help me get better at math. It pays to invest in yourself.

Banger of the year:
After listening to the Hight Contrast remix for years, Edge of seventeen really impressed me.

Birthday of the year:
Woz, turned 70. What an insspiration! Check out the celebrations here. I also highly recomend this interview about the early years.

Magazine of the year:
Charcter Design Quarterly makes you love rediscover great character design every issue.

Music of the year:
My rumble on and on, playlist. It contains my all time favorite music, and this year, sinking in to the familiar was what I needed. Youtube Playlist

Music facination of the year:
The music stream: "coffee shop radio // 24/7 lofi hip-hop beats", I'm especialy facinated that this is a stream that has atracted an active chat comunity.

Documentary of the year:
Jim and Andy, I love behind the scenes documentaries, and this one is up there with "hearts of darkness a film maker apocalypse".

Tech of the year:
Dennis Gustafsson brilliant Teardown

Hardware of the year:
PlayDate I love what a small team can do!

Photo of the year:
This image represents how I aspire to see life. (where as this one is how I aspire to be seen)

TV Show of the year:
The boys, The first season was great, but the second kicked it up a notch.

Reach out of the year:
Ina year full of division, this is how we reach out to each other, not by screaming at each other, but by trying to speek the language that can understand.

Sage of the year:
Dave Chappelle. Just listen.

Quote of the year:
“I’m an engineer’s engineer, Engineers like to work. I want to get the bullshit out of the way and get clear, interesting problems to solve.” -Jim Keller. Lets all aspire to this. Read the entire interview here.

Milestone of the year:
Starcraft II, turned ten. Why does a 10 year old game matter? Read: 10 years ago, StarCraft II saved my life.. It lets us all enjoy the most intellectually stimulating discussions the world has to offer. If you want pretend its life before covid and trump you can always tune in to SCVODArchives

Gamig event(s) of the year:
Michael Morhaime started Dreamhaven, members of Team one (The team behind Starcraft II) starts Frost Giant to make a new RTS and Chris Metzen and Mike Gilmartin startsWarchief Gaming. Im looking forward to a bright future of gaming.

Graphis design of the year:
Tokyo 2020 olympics. Since I don't watch the olympics I'm going to pretend its the logo for an event that actiually happend.

Stealth progress of the year
Facebook, Google and Apple are all facing antitrust lawsuits, and while its early days It is moving us towards a much brighter future for technology. I wrote an explainer on the Epic/Apple/google suite you can read here.

In-your-face Progress of the year:
SpaceX sent people in to space!

Graphic Novel(s) of the year
The weatherman. What if the goofy TV weatherman on Mars, is responcible for the destruction of life on earth?

Crowded, A gig worker wakes up one day to find that there is a million dollar kickstarter to have her assasinated.

100% By Paul Pope. A Future Noir mood piece, warm, sensitive, romantic, heartfelt. It has stayed with me.

Right Stuff of the year
Chuck Yeager, who passed away at the age of 97.

Loss of the year
In a year with so many lives lost, I want to single out an artist who has meant a lot to me. Florian Schneider, Founding member, and jester of Kraftwerk. He should also be recognized for his interior decoration as evidenced by these photos of his 70s apartment.

Win of the year
Ton Roosendaal, You scared us really good this year. The world really needs you.

Best of the year:
Everyone who, held on, reached out, and stood up, in a very difficult year.

Have a great new year!

Missed last year? Have a look back at 2019